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Alexander Chee + Alana Massey in Conversation with Kingston Writers' Studio

Authors Alexander Chee and Alana Massey will read briefly from their essay collections, and discuss the nature of these books with Longreads Essays Editor Sari Botton. They'll address the common question among writers: When is (and isn't) an essay collection a memoir? 

Alexander Chee is the author, most recently, of the essay collection "How to Write an Autobiographical Novel."

Alana Massey is the author of the essay collection, "All The Lives I Want: Essays About My Best Friends Who Happen To Be Famous Strangers." She writes about culture, identity, vice, and virtue and lives in The Catskills.

Sari Botton operates Kingston Writers' Studio. She's the Essays Editor for Longreads, and edited the anthologies Goodbye to All That: Writers on Loving and Leaving NY and Never Can Say Goodbye: Writers on Their Unshakable Love for NY.

Please RSVP here. (RSVPs are appreciated but not mandatory.)